Fizzycaps is part of the goCircular Radar

Fizzycaps is part of the goCircular Radar

After more than 10 years of innovation and development, the Barcelona-based company Fizzycaps, also known as the first 100% circular capping company for sparkling and carbonated beverages, has succeeded in obtaining a patented capping technology that aims to save tons of plastic waste for the planet.

Since its inception, the company has received several awards related to product innovation, always with a view to reducing the environmental footprint and achieving the most sustainable packaging possible. In this sense, several initiatives are being promoted, such as the Zircular movement, a project totally focused on promoting the circular economy in all the sectors in which the brand is involved.

With the aim of continuing to position the brand as a firm with a clear environmental purpose, as well as a clear focus on innovation and eco-design, Fizzycaps is part of the first goCircular Radar map of startups in the circular economy sector, created by TheCircularLab. 

The Circular Lab is the first open innovation center on circular economy created in Europe that aims to promote the best lines of innovation in the field of packaging and its subsequent recycling.

Thanks to goCircular Radar, Fizzycaps is part of the first innovation community, focused on startups and entrepreneurs in the circular economy sector. In addition, being in this community of companies helps the brand to:

  • Increase its visibility in the circular economy.
  • Facilitate contracting possibilities, both among public and private entities.
  • Encourage collaboration between companies and operators in the sector.

From Free Falling and together with Fizzycaps, we are committed every day to promote innovation and sustainable design, focused on minimizing the environmental footprint. Precisely one of the maxims of the brand is that the best waste is the one that is not produced and together we will continue working for a society and an economic and productive model based on the three R's of the circular economy: reduce, reuse and recycle.


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